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Vanessa from sitting in a chair and waving

Hi! I’m Vanessa and I am so happy to have you here. Maple + Mango is a website focused on real food recipes, wellness and keeping life balanced.

What a ride it has been to get the site ready to this point. All those articles claiming that you can build a website in 3 easy steps are all lies I tell you….BIG FAT LIES:) I guess that technically you could have a site up easily but it definitely wouldn’t look or function as you envisioned. So after tons of learning (probably too much!), facing fears of inadequacy (perfectionist traits are tough to conquer), and lots of head banging when tech is not cooperating…I am finally ready to get started. I was listening to something recently where the main message was that at some point you need to stop focusing on trying to perfect all the details and just get started. You can then continue to improve and tinker with it as you go. This really resonated with me – time to take a deep breath and jump in!

I created this site as a place to share my passion for real food, natural wellness, balanced living and the impact that it can have on your health and how amazing you feel. Unlike some healthy lifestyle sites, this site will NOT be a place that focuses on a specific diet or perfection since I believe that we are all unique and at different parts of our journey. I want to focus on removing the stress to eat or live “perfectly” since there is no “one size fits all” approach that works for everybody and life is just too damn short for more stress. I want to provide a place of education and inspiration to arm yourself with knowledge and make conscious choices but also live in a balanced and sane way. Click HERE to learn more about the site (like where the name comes from!). Also, click HERE to learn more about the Food + Wellness Philosophy of the site.

Thanks so much for joining me on this new adventure! I can’t wait to start sharing content with you. To make sure that you stay up to date and never miss a post, subscribe to the newsletter. You can also follow Maple + Mango on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

Eat Real. Live Well. Feel Amazing.


About Vanessa Gilic

I want to help you make delicious food using real ingredients! Explore a variety of easy to follow, real-food recipes ranging from healthy eats to comfort food. Welcome to Maple + Mango โ€“ I'm so happy you're here!

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  1. Bobbie Blue says:

    Hi Vanessa! I stumbled across your blog today and loved your honesty about how much real work it takes to start a blog! Iโ€™ve been trying to perfect mine for awhile now and Iโ€™m not crazy about the theme I choose. I found you because someone suggested the theme you are using. So can I ask, how do you like it? Did you originally start with this or change themes at any point? I really like the clean look but Iโ€™m nervous to change! Any feed back would be great. Thanks!

    1. Vanessa | Maple + Mango says:

      Hi! I absolutely despise all those articles claiming how easy it is…I am all about the truth lol. I use the Foodie Pro theme which can be played with to get the look you want with regard to layout. I have played with it quite a bit since starting to modify how I want it to look. I really like it since it has allowed me to get the clean look I was after and the theme is actively maintained with great support. I can’t speak to switching themes since this is the theme that I started with (my site is pretty new still…under a year). I had researched themes before starting and figured this one ticked all the boxes. Then I just slowly worked my way through countless tutorials, using google search a ton and asking questions on forums to slowly build it out. It is at a point now where I am pretty happy with it but I am always thinking about how I could make it even better haha (never ending process). Good luck with your site! Let me know if you have any other questions:)

  2. Bjork says:

    Congrats on launching your site, Vanessa. So excited for you! ๐ŸŽ‰

    1. Vanessa says:

      Thanks Bjork! I don’t think I could have done it without Food Blogger Pro. Thanks for such an incredible resource.